Michael Susskind Agency


Michael Susskind Agency is the continuation of our family business Roy Susskind & Associates who have been importers of ladies footwear for over 30 years. We source our collections exclusively from Europe namely, Italy, Spain and France. Our collections are of Ladies Fashion, Casual/Comfort footwear with the most seasonal styles from our suppliers that include Pons Quintana, Macarena, Clarus, Dansi and more. We sell primarily to independent shoe retailers and offer either F.O.B or to smaller retailers F.I.S, whichever way you buy we always stand 100% behind the product we sell.


Contact: Michael Susskind
PO Box 6030,
Caulfield South VIC 3162


Mobile: 0419 875 215
Email: msusskind.agency@gmail.com



Pons Quintana (Spain)
Clarus (Italy)
Högl (Austria)
Azuree (France)
Macarena (Spain)
Dansi (Spain)


Comfort Footwear
Lifestyle Footwear
Fashion Footwear